100 Sq ft. of Wool Insulation for your Conversion Van conversion or project.
This is the wool the Conversion Van Industry Utilizes the most, and is highly recommended.
1 Box – 100 Sq Ft  •  Compressed for Shipping
To Complete a full build Note, (Does not include floor measurements) on a 140″ Wheelbase T1N Sprinter you would need a recommended 300 Sq Ft.= 3 Boxes.
To Complete a full build on a 158″ Wheelbase 325 Sq. Ft. 3-4 Boxes.
Covers 100 s/f  • R7 • Each Batt is 16″ x 48″ x 2″ • 20 batts per box
- Batt insulation designed specifically for 2007-2018 Sprinter Van.
- Fast, easy, and safe installation requiring no special protective clothing.
- Class A rated for Fire Resistance and Smoke Development.
- Treated with boric acid to resist insects.
- Wool does not support the growth of mold.
- Passive air filtration – amino acids in wool bond with harmful chemicals.
- No off-gassing – natural characteristics make our insulation devoid of harmful chemicals.
- Installation is easy and requires no protective clothing.
Why should you insulate your 2007-2018 Sprinter Van with Wool?

Moisture Management
Moisture happens. You need a hygroscopic insulation that actively manages moisture, helping keep your van dry and free from mold, mildew and rust.
Wool is the ultimate moisture manager. In the form of vapor, condensation or water- moisture will inevitably make its way into your walls. You need an insulation that actively manages that moisture, helping keep your vehicle dry and free of mold and mildew. Unlike any other insulation, wool is naturally able to absorb moisture while still retaining it’s high insulative properties. When the ambient air dries (>65%) wool will release the moisture into the air. The result is a long lasting, non-slumping, high performance insulation that keeps your walls dry and temperatures more constant.

R Value
HL Wool measures at an impressive R Value PER INCH of 3.6. 2″ batts are R7. Thicker walls = higher R value.
Why Is Wool Such an Effective 2007-2018 Sprinter Van Insulator? The most common way to measure insulation products is by R Value which denotes resistance to heat flow. The higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. Havelock Wool comes in at an impressive R Value PER INCH of 3.6. But R Value is not the only way to measure insulation. What happens when moisture is introduced into an environment? The R Value can plummet (as in the case of polysio board, the colder it gets, the less R Value). In order to sustain high performance (high R Value), your insulation also needs to actively manage moisture and stay dry. Havelock Wool does just that. Because wool is a hygroscopic insulator, it can absorb moisture without becoming wet to the touch and without affecting its superior performance.

Sound Absorption
HL Wool excels at absorbing road noise and reducing unwanted noise. All
this makes your 2007-2018 Sprinter Van, skoolie, RV a more pleasant place to be.